Student Services

Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer (AIEO)

The AIEO provides support and guidance to Aboriginal students and their families in any matters affecting the student’s education.


The Chaplain supports the emotional well-being of students through the provision of Pastoral Care services, and is available to talk and assist students, parents and staff with family, personal, emotional and spiritual issues. The Chaplain also liaises with local community groups, agencies and churches to provide beneficial services to the school.

Positive Behaviour Coordinators

The Positive Behaviour Coordinators are a key component of managing student well-being. Their role is to monitor attendance and behaviour at the school, as well recognising students who demonstrate positive behaviours. There are two Positive Behaviour Coordinators in the school, one working with Year 7 and 8 students and one with Year 9 and 10 students.


The School Psychologist helps to meet the social, emotional, learning and behaviour needs of students, working closely with the school administration, teachers, students and parents. The School Psychologist works in a number of areas including consultation on behaviour managements, implementing health and well-being programs, as well as student engagement. Students can self-refer by seeking an appointment with the School Psychologist.

Vietnamese Ethnic Support Officer

Our school has an Ethnic Support Officer who can provide support to Vietnamese students and their parents/ guardians who reside locally and internationally. The Ethnic Support Officer can assist the communication process between teachers, parents/ guardians and students where language and cultural differences pose barriers. They can also assist with enrolment applications for overseas students.

Support Programs

Mathematics Academy

Mathematics Academy is an academic extension for aspirant mathematicians who seek to further their existing understanding of mathematical concepts, and remediation work to consolidate current knowledge. The after-school program can also provide support for OLNA and NAPLAN preparation.

Extended Learning Centre

After school support and extension available in the library with teachers across all learning areas.

Breakfast Club

On certain days of the week, we provide our students with breakfast via the Breakfast Club. All are welcome to join and enjoy the benefits of a full tummy to kick start the brain and be ready for a day of learning.