
Attending school every day and engaging in classes is the best way for your child to achieve the most success at high school. Any absence from school impacts on your child’s learning. Parents will receive an automated SMS notification at around 11am if their child is not at school for the day.


If your child is going to be absent you are required to contact the school. This can be done by one of the following methods:

  • Calling the school on 08 9247 0555,
  • Responding to the SMS notification sent by the school, or
  • Sending a note with your child when they return to school Please include your child’s name and year group in the message.


At Girrawheen SHS, we expect your child to always strive to achieve their very best. To help students achieve their best they need to attend every day. This includes arriving on time. Students who arrive at school after 8:45am will need to sign in via Student Services with a written explanation for their lateness. Students who do not have a written explanation will be marked as absent on the attendance register and parents will be contacted for an explanation.

Leaving before the end of the day

In the instance where a student needs to leave school before the end of the day they must be accompanied by a note from a parent. Please include the sign out time and date in your note that you send to school with your child. At the beginning of class, the student will need to show the note to their teacher, and then notify them when the time stated in the note is reached. Once the student has been excused from class they must report to Student Services to be signed out of school.
Parents can collect students from the front office.

Unwell at school

To prevent the spread of illness, please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. If a student begins to feel unwell whilst at school they are required to report to Student Services where parents will be contacted by the school to organise collection of their child from the front office. Parents wishing to contact their child during school hours can do so by phoning the school on 9247 0555.

School Readiness

It is important that students arrive at school each day prepared and ready to learn. School readiness allows students to gain the most out of school whilst helping them to reach their potential. Proactive school readiness can also assist students in maintaining a positive sense of mental health and well-being.
Some tips for school readiness include:

  • Set a bedtime and limit screen time an hour before going to bed.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Pack a school bag with a water bottle, healthy lunch or canteen money and learning resources for the day. Learning resources include Stationery List items such as red, blue and black pens, HB/B pencils, coloured pencils, eraser, pencil case, ruler, 5 x subject notebooks, 8GB thumb drive, and a Mathematics calculator. Calculators can be purchased from the school. All other items can be purchased from local retailers.
  • Plan the journey to school to ensure arrival before the first bell at 8:40am
  • Get connected to education and peers by participating in extracurricular programs and club