
Successful communication relies on up-to-date email and telephone details. Please inform the school if your contact details need updating.
SMS may be sent to convey vital information or reminders, or to advise parents of unexplained absences and Lates. Parents

‘Like’ us on Facebook to keep up to date on information including the latest news, upcoming events and student achievements.
The Dept. of Education system ‘Connect’ is a web and app-based portal where students and parents/ guardians can access school reports, course information, homework, resources and important notices from teachers. This portal will be rolled-out throughout the year and all parents and guardians will receive an email with individual login details.
The Girrawheen Quarterly download newsletter is issued by email each term and is also available on the website. You can register to our mailing list to continue to receive a printed copy of the newsletter in your mail.
Students receive updates through the Daily Notice in Form period. It is important for students to arrive at school on time for Form so they don’t miss out on important information relating to course selection and careers, upcoming events, sports activities, meetings, excursions and much more.

At various times throughout the year, the school will host Parent Information Evenings. These sessions are used to convey important information which may be relating to Course Selections, Extension Programs and Senior School.
Students Reports are distributed at the end of each semester. Collection of Semester 1 reports is combined with a Parent-Teacher-Student interview night. Semester 2 reports are distributed by mail, please ensure the school has your correct postal address by updating us with any changes.